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Valley View Community Primary School



School Uniform Policy

We believe that wearing school uniform is important and as such we are very keen to support all our families in providing uniform guidance.

The school colour is green and below you will see guidelines for boys and girls.

Girls' Uniform

Girls can wear a grey skirt, grey trousers or a grey pinafore. They should also wear white shirts or white or green polo shirts and green sweatshirts, jumpers or cardigans. These can be with or without a logo. In summer girls can wear green school summer dresses and may need a hat for sun protection.

Boys' Uniform

Boys should wear grey trousers with a white or green polo shirt or a white school shirt. In addition children should wear a bottle green sweatshirt with (or without) the school logo. Children need to wear sensible shoes and will need a pair of indoor shoes such as pumps. In summer boys can wear grey shorts instead of trousers and may need a cap or hat for sun protection.

Year 6 Uniform

As our oldest children who often perform "prefect" duties for the school, Year 6 children may wear a black sweatshirt with (or without) the school logo, in recognition of their extra responsibilities and them getting ready for high school.

Nursery Uniform

Our youngest children in our school nursery wear an emerald green sweatshirt or cardigan with (or without) the school logo, and their t-shirts are lemon yellow.


As we have two PE lessons each week, children are asked to come to school in their PE uniform on these days. 

For PE sessions we ask that children wear a plain grey hoodie or school jumper, plain white T shirt and plain grey jogging trousers (no leggings). Year 6 children are able to wear either a plain grey OR plain black hoodie/jumper and jogging trousers. 

Children will also need a pair of trainers (no bright colours). In summer, children can wear green or grey shorts, cycling shorts or gymnastics shorts are not allowed. PE kit should be non-branded and must not show any large logos. 


We expect our children to dress smartly for school and we ask for long hair to be tied up. We ask that children do not have their hair shaven with patterns or designs and for safety reasons we say no jewellery. In the summer we ask that families make sure that children’s shoes are safe and sturdy and are not open backed. If school staff consider that children’s shoes or pumps are unsafe, we may have to restrict the activities the children take part in.

No makeup or nail polish or jewellery is allowed. 

All our uniform is available through Whittakers who are based on Farsley Town Street (opposite the church) and online or items can be purchased in many high street stores.

Leeds Uniform Exchange

We are pleased to be working in partnership with Leeds City Council Inner West Community Committee to facilitate a uniform swapping service. For some time we have been helping to recycle preloved uniform. During current times this has been difficult, so we are very happy to be able to take part in this exciting project.

To find out more please click here.