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Valley View Community Primary School

Loxley Class

Loxley Class

Hebble Class Learning Journey 2019-2020

9th January 2020

This half term started with a visit from 'Lord Carnarvon' which excited the children about their new topic on 'The Egyptians'.  Our drama teacher (Miss Christabel) came into the classroom in role and told the children all about the discovery of the tomb of Tutankhamun.  The children thoroughly enjoyed this and also had the opportunity to ask questions and handle some replica artefacts.



12th December 2019

We have been incredibly impressed with all the Year 3 children this week for the fantastic performance they put on of 'An Out of this World Christmas'.  They spoke, sang and danced beautifully and they blew us away with their amazing acting skills.  Many children surprised us with their confidence when in role, it was great to see.  Well done children!


28th November 2019

Over the past couple of weeks Hebble class have been working on multiplication and division in Maths.  Today they took part in an outdoor learning session and worked on their 8 times tables.  They used objects to represent the tables using arrays and then worked as a group to complete a treasure hunt.



14th November 2019

The children have thoroughly enjoyed their learning about their new topic on 'The Stone Age'.  As part of their lesson last week they studied a range of artefacts.  They asked questions about the objects and made guesses about what they may have been used for.  The artefacts included a range of items such as replicas of a tusk necklace, an antler pick axe, a bone comb, flint arrowheads and a deer skin.




24th October 2019

This week groups of children from Hebble Class presented their arguments for why we should vote to raise money for 'Children in Need' or 'Just One Tree' (a tree planting programme).  The children learnt a lot about democracy and took part in a secret ballot to have their say.


10th October 2019

Over the past few weeks the children have been making different types of mechanisms as part of their Design Technology lessons.  They have learnt about sliders, turning mechanisms, levers, linkages and pivots.  This week they enjoyed making a mock up of a waving hand picture in preparation for them soon designing their own poster with moving parts.


26th September 2019

The children have amazed us with the way they have picked up how to play chess.  They are becoming very strategic thinkers and have thoroughly enjoyed their lessons with Mr Schurfield (our chess teacher).  Well done Hebble class!


12th September 2019

Hebble class have made a fantastic start to Year 3.  They have thoroughly enjoyed all of their new enrichment activities and are especially enthusiastic about their Spanish lessons with Mrs Woodward on Mondays.  They have already learnt to say many words and phrases in Spanish.  Keep up the hard work Hebble class.