Lower Key Stage 2 Team
Mrs J ScottAssistant Headteacher
Mrs J Scott
I have worked in schools since 2002, mainly with Years 4, 5 and 6.
The best thing about teaching is sharing in the children's successes and being a part of their learning journey. I love it when a child tries and tries to understand something and then, in a moment, has a sudden 'light-bulb moment'. These are, for me, the most special times.
I also love working collaboratively and am lucky that at Valley View we all work so well together as a team. I have many good memories, but think my fondest have been taking the children abroad. Not only have I had the opportunity to visit some places I have never been before, but I have shared in the delight of the children as they experience new places.
A word I feel best describes me is 'Honest'.
Mrs A UrmstonLoxley Class Teacher
Mrs A Urmston
I have worked in schools since 2009.
I like my job because of the children and their enthusiasm - you never know where a lesson may go because of their questions about a topic.
One of best things that has happened since working in a school is watching my class perform Hamlet at the Carriageworks Theatre.
The word that describes me as a professional: 'Committed'.
Miss M StirkLoxley Class Teacher
Miss M Stirk
I have been teaching since 2016.
I like my job as I get to make a difference to young children's lives on a daily basis.
The best thing that has happened to me whilst working in a school was seeing my first Reception class perform their Christmas Nativity.
A word to describe me is 'Nurturing'.
Mr J KnoxLimley Class Teacher
Mr J Knox
I have been working in schools since 2019.What I most love about working in schools, is watching the children's interest in a subject develop and seeing them find that spark that fires their imaginations. Each day in school I will be challenged in my own thinking by how the children see their world, and this is what makes teaching so rewarding. Â Being a teacher is an absolute privilege and I enjoy being able to support children in building those positive lasting memories of school that they will carry with them for the rest of their lives.The funniest things that have happened to me during my teaching career are usually just those hilarious answers that children give to questions during lessons. Every day in school someone has made me cry with laughter.The word that best describes me as a professional has to be 'Passionate'. -
Mrs C GregoryHumber Class Teacher
Mrs C Gregory
Mrs M FogartyHumber Class Teacher
Mrs M Fogarty
Miss A StaveleyHebble Class Teacher
Miss A Staveley
I have been working in schools since 2020.
The reason I have such a love for teaching is down to how rewarding it is. Seeing children grow and develop physically, emotionally and socially before your eyes is a privilege to watch. I feel honoured every day knowing that I am able to be a part of their educational journey. One of my favourite parts of teaching is watching their personality and humour grow over time.
The best thing that has been said to me whilst being a teacher is, “I think you look like Princess Ana from frozen Miss Staveley. But your hair is even cooler!” The funniest thing that has happened to me whilst working in schools is being made to dress up as a giraffe using only cardboard boxes by a pantomime actor visiting the school.
One word that describes me as a professional is “understanding”.
Mrs L JacksonHigher Level Teaching Assistant
Mrs L Jackson
I have been working in schools since 2007.
I love the wide variety of children and age ranges that I get to work with through out the school. Everybody in the school helps and supports each other, and will do so with a smile on their face.
Working in a school means there are fantastic, funny and inspiring moments every day. It's hard to choose one in particular.
A good word to describe me would be 'Dependable'.
Mrs S WellsLimley Class Teaching Assistant
Mrs S Wells
Mrs K MooreHLTA/ Limley Class Teaching Assistant
Mrs K Moore
I have worked in school since 2012.
I like the different everyday challenges working in school brings and the enjoyment of seeing children happy and learning.
My favourite moments are when children have struggled with a task for a while but still persevered on, the moment they understand how to do it and can then do it independently is fantastic. To me the best moments working in school are seeing the children achieving, learning and smiling.
The word to describe me as a professional: 'Dedicated'.
Mrs J MurphyHebble Class Senior Teaching Assistant
Mrs J Murphy
I have worked in schools for a long time - since 1994!
I like working in a school and being in contact with different children and their personalities. The laughter in the classroom, the hugs in the corridor from children who have moved on into a different class. I love the lightbulb moment when after a struggle an understanding smile spreads across the child's face.
One of the best things I love is the residential to Lineham Farm. When at Lineham Farm a few years ago I was challenged to climb Jacob's Ladder. I have to say it is one of the bravest things I have done. I am so fortunate to have been on all of the Year 4 residentials as well as travelling to the Czech Republic on Valley View's first residential abroad.
Being part of the unscripted staff Pantomimes was a funny experience where nobody knew what was going on or what to say.
I would describe myself as being a team player, with a caring personality.
Mrs L StaveleyHebble Class Teaching Assistant
Mrs L Staveley
I have been working in school since 2012.
I enjoy working at Valley View as everyone is so helpful and friendly. I find working in the school environment such a rewarding job, just the little everyday things that mean so much to some children make me smile.
The best thing for me about working at Valley View is the feeling of togetherness. All the staff look out for each other and the children are so friendly and happy that it makes it a joy to come to work.
If I had to describe myself I would say I am 'Patient' and 'Caring'.
Mrs L RileyHumber Teaching Assistant
Mrs L Riley
I have been working in schools since 2008. If I am honest I have lost count as the years have gone so fast!
I enjoy working at Valley View because every day is different, it is never boring. I enjoy helping and watching the children achieve and grow into independent learners.
There have been many funny things happen to me whilst working in a school. Everyday makes me smile. As I am the first aider, lots of the children are sent to me when they have fallen over or have had a minor accident. Lots of children have asked me, "Are you a doctor!" This always makes me smile.
A word to describe me: Enthusiastic
Mrs K RhodesHumber Class Teaching Assistant
Mrs K Rhodes
Mrs J JohnstonTeaching Assistant/ Behaviour Support
Mrs J Johnston
I have been working in schools since 1999.
I love helping children achieve their best, not only academically, but personally. I love to interact with children of all abilities including those with SEN, social and emotional needs and those who have behaviour needs. It's challenging at times, but overall, the respect is always there. My job goes beyond just teaching knowledge and skills - it's about making a personal connection with children.
A word to describe me is 'Supportive'.
Mrs A YoungLKS2 Leader & Loxley Class Teacher (maternity leave)
Mrs A Young
I started teaching in 2009 and have worked in schools across Leeds, Wakefield and Bradford.
I just love working with children. Everyday is different and you can always rely on children to make you giggle several times a day. Being both a leader and class teacher, I particularly enjoy working across the school but also having my own class and watching them grow as young people.
There are lots of great and funny moments in schools but I particularly enjoy residential when I have taken children on a river walk. The sheer shock of cold water entering 30 pairs of little wellies and the excitement on children's faces as they have lots of fun.
A word to describe me 'Enthusiastic'