Wenning Class 2017-2018
5th July 2018
Here are just a few examples of our fantastic art work inspired by the Japanese artist, Katsushika Hokusai. The children used water colours to help recreate this spectacular scene. The work was produced independently.
21st June 2018
The children are working hard to learn their lines and practice and perform for our year 6 leavers play. A quick reminder: Wenning's performance will be Thursday 12th July at 6.30pm.
7th June 2018
The children have enjoyed reading our class book, Kensuke’s Kingdom. Based on the book, they have a written dramatic scene using vivid descriptions to help the reader see, hear and feel the events and emotions. Additionally, in class, they are learning about the famous Japanese artist, Katsushika Hokusai, and will be recreating his famous painting – ‘The great wave’ – which is similar in style to the front cover of our class book.
17th May 2018
We were all very proud of Year 6 this week! They worked so hard during their tests and persevered when the going got tough! They came in each morning with big smiles - helped by the breakfast they shared each morning! Well done Year 6!
3rd May 2018
Best of luck with the SATs tests. You have all worked so hard this year and I am extremely proud of you all!
At the moment, you’re doing a lot of English and Maths, but you’ve got lots of other skills. Unfortunately, SATs don’t test these. They don’t test whether you’re a creative person, good at I.T. or brilliant with animals. They don’t test your speaking skills or whether you’re fantastic at mending things. They don’t measure whether you’re arty or sporty, a musician or someone who really cares for other people. Although subjects like Maths and English are important, never forget you’ve been given talents in plenty of other areas too.
SATs are a bit like this cartoon…
19th April 2018
Some of our Year 6 children recently took part in a local school tag rugby competition. They came runners up within their group. Well done!
22nd March 2018
We have been working extremely hard this term. Well done to all the children who improved their scores on our recent tests. Please make sure that if there is any work you don't understand, especially homework, ask for help before the deadline. Remember children with an excellent Growth Mindset see mistakes as an opportunity to learn. For more help with revision visit: https://www.sats-papers.co.uk/ - you are able to download numerous practice tests for free.
8th March 2018
Happy Mother’s Day! Wenning class have worked hard creating some fabulous cards. Hope you enjoy them.
21st February 2018
In pairs, the children enjoyed calculating the volume of different shapes. From a square sheet of paper 20cm by 20cm, they made different boxes without a lid. By cutting different sized squares from each corner and folding up the flaps, they predicted then investigated which size box would create the largest volume.
8th February 2018
The children have enjoyed learning about the circulatory system researching key information about the heart, lungs and blood vessels. To consolidate their learning, they designed their own board game using the knowledge they have acquired.
26th January 2018
This half term, as part of our RE lessons, we have been learning more about Christianity. This week the children had the opportunity to listen to an external speaker, asking questions about her faith, what it means to be a Christian, her pilgrimages and why she became a Christian. It was clear to see that all children learnt a great from this and thoroughly enjoyed the lesson.
12th January 2018
What a fantastic time had by all at Robin Wood – well done Year 6! All of our children had the opportunity to experience activities that challenged, developed teamwork and stimulated their imagination. Here are just a few photos.
15th December 2017
Wenning Class have enjoyed decorating biscuits with their buddies in Reception today.
Merry Christmas and a happy new year!
8th December 2017
Wenning class are working closely with Mrs Wilson to help create a nature area including a pond. Eventually, all children will have the opportunity to maintain this area whilst learning about nature.
1st December 2017
This term the children’s confidence and understanding of fractions, decimals and percentages has significantly improved. Today, in mixed groups, the children used large sheets of paper to create numerous number lines. With their partner, they recorded different percentages, fractions and decimals (using post-it notes) and ordered them accurately
(smallest to largest) on their number lines. They then left them in the correct position on their number line and other groups checked their work, deciding whether they thought they were correct showing appropriate workings.
16th November 2017
In Science, the children had the opportunity to create a variety of circuits. They learnt about different symbols and parallel and series circuits. They realised that in a parallel circuit, if a lamp breaks or a component is disconnected from one parallel wire, the components on different branches keep working. And, unlike a series circuit, the lamps stay bright if you add more lamps in parallel.
3rd November 2017
As part of our English work, in preparation for our court case, the children were split into two groups to prepare their arguments (either for or against) based on a question the class had decided. A jury created their own mind maps and fed back to each group explaining what type of language they would be looking for in our arguments/court case. Each side had the opportunity to explain their reasons backing each one with evidence.
13th October 2017
In Science, the children created a coloured wheel using the colours of the spectrum. They learnt about Isaac Newton and how he realised that although light looks white, it is actually made up of all the colours of the rainbow! By quickly spinning their coloured wheels, the colours merged together appearing white to their eyes.
12 October 2017
Today we had our Curriculum Meetings for parents to let you know what and how we teach, and how you can help at home. You can find the presentation below.
Year 6 Curriculum Presentation
5 October 2017
Children were challenged to create their own periscopes using cereal boxes and mirrors. They recognised that light travels in straight lines by investigating the angles of incidence and reflection.
22 September 2017
In Maths, the children enjoyed investigating and solving a variety of challenging problems. They used their persevering skills and worked with their partners to discuss and share their ideas.