Rother Class 2017-2018
Friday 25th May 2018
This week we really enjoyed performing our Whitby assembly to everyone and sharing what we did whilst we were away. As promised here are some more photos from our time away!
Friday 4th May 2018
This week we have been busy planning persuasive brochures for Whitby. To help us with the specific language style we need to include in our writing, we spent some time looking at some very luxurious holiday brochures! We all really enjoyed picking out the vocabulary we could apply to Whitby and have enjoyed reminiscing about our time away and discussing how we can sell the location to the readers of our brochures.
Friday 27th April 2018
We have had a very exciting week in Rother Class with our residential to Whitby! We are really looking forward to sharing what we did whilst we were away with everyone in our upcoming assembly.
More photos coming soon!
Friday 23rd March 2018
This week we have been continuing with our Science topic all about the human life cycle. We have started to look at what changes happen to humans when they reach old age. We had to read lots of different statements and decide whether they were true or false. This resulted in us having some very interesting conversations and sharing our opinions with each other.
Thursday 8th March 2018
World Book Day was quite different this year at Valley View! However even with the snow, we still managed to have lots of fun doing book themed activities throughout the day.
Here are our costumes!
Friday 23rd February 2018
Over the past few weeks, we have been focusing on gymnastics during our PE lessons. In our last lesson, we created a sequence which had to include different components. These included: jumps, something to demonstrate our flexibility and posture, as well as a partner balance. We worked really well in our pairs and created some wonderful sequences!
Friday 8th February 2018
Last week, we had lots of fun having a drama session with a specialist who came into school. We read part of a story called 'The Composition' by Antonio Skármeta, which was about a boy who lived in a country where the military were in control.
We had an amazing time doing lots of different activities, but we particularly enjoyed creating freeze frames. These freeze frames helped us to explore why characters had done certain things as well as thinking about how they might have felt at different points in the story.
Here are some of our freeze frames.
Friday 26th January 2018
Over the past two weeks, we have been busy in Rother Class focusing on a new book called 'Journey to Jo'burg' by Beverley Naidoo. This book is giving us a lot to think about as it is set in South Africa during apartheid.
So that we could understand what it might feel like to have rules suddenly change or be discriminated against for no reason, the classroom was split in two and we were not allowed to go to the other side for any reason. This caused quite a lot of confusion and uproar in our classroom on a Monday morning!
We are looking forward to reading more of the book over the coming weeks.
Friday 12th January 2018
Since we have come back after Christmas we have been focusing on multiplication in maths. This has involved us looking at prime numbers. To learn more about them we did an investigation to discover what prime numbers are for ourselves. This was quite tricky but we got there eventually!
Thursday 14th November 2017
Over the past two weeks, we have been enjoying learning all about the Anglo-Saxons. We worked in teams to become experts on a certain area of Anglo-Saxon history. In our groups, we had to research lots of information, display it in an attractive way and decide how we were going to teach the rest of the class all about our specialist area. The work we produced was amazing and we were all very confident at teaching the rest of the class!
Here is some of our work.
Friday 30th November 2017
This afternoon, we have started our new topic on the Anglo-Saxons. We used drama games to discover who they were, where they came from, why they invaded Britain and what happened when they arrived. We then created 'freeze-frames' to explore how the Anglo-Saxons would have felt before they departed on their voyage across the ocean. It was an information-packed afternoon and we had lots of fun!
Monday 27th November 2017
This morning, we have enjoyed our weekly Spanish lesson. We have been practising our vocabulary as well as describing the planets in our solar system.
Friday 3rd November 2017
We are still busy rehearsing for our performance of 'Twelfth Night' which is fast approaching. We are very excited about performing next week and we hope you are looking forward to seeing it too!
Friday 20th October 2017
This week, we attended our Cast Workshop at the Carriagreworks Theatre. We had a fantastic afternoon where we learnt lots of top tips for performing, worked on a scene from our play and we even got to go an see where we will be performing in November. It made us all very excited!
Here are some pictures from our afternoon.
Friday 13th October 2017
The performance date for our production of Twelfth Night is fast approaching and we have been busy rehearsing for this in school.
As well as this, we have used the text in our English lessons to help us understand the language within the play. We have done lots of different types of writing to link with it such as play scripts, letters and descriptions of a storm. We were all particularly proud of our persuasive letters, which we wrote from the perspective of a character in Twelfth Night. We spent lots of time writing, proof reading and editing them and we were very pleased with our final typed-up versions!
12 October 2017
Today we had our Curriculum Meetings for parents to let you know what and how we teach, and how you can help at home. You can find the presentation below.
Year 5 Curriculum Presentation
Friday 22nd September 2017
This week in Rother Class, we have begun to prepare for our performance of Twelfth Night for the Shakespeare Schools Festival.
We have read our script and watched the Shakespeare Animated Tales to help us to gain an understanding of the story and how the characters are connected. We are now producing some Twelfth Night story boards to show the plot of the play.
As well as this, we have enjoyed taking part in drama games to get us more comfortable with performing in front of each other and not worrying about making mistakes. We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves!