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Valley View Community Primary School

Ribble Class 2017-2018

Ribble Class 2017-2018

Friday 18th May 2018

Our recent PE lessons have involved us developing our gymnastic skills. A couple of weeks ago we were concentrating on improving our balances. We investigated whether the moves we were using were either counter-tension or counter-balance. Here are some of our poses!














Friday 4th May 2018 

Last week we visited Whitby for our residential. We had a fantastic three days. We visited many of the landmarks around the seaside town, including the Whale Bones and Whitby Abbey. We even enjoyed a spot of shopping and a visit to the beach for some fossil hunting!


Friday 20th April 2018

Just before the Easter break we enjoyed a whole morning dedicated to maths. This meant that even our regular Spanish lesson had a maths focus and so we were were given the tricky task of completing some activities on fractions, whilst also translating them into another language! Not an easy feat, but we all enjoyed the challenge. 


Friday 23rd March 2018

Today we have taken part in a running task to support the charity Sports Relief. All of the children ran laps of the front and back playground, collecting a stamp for each lap. We were very tired by the end of the session, but it was all for a worthwhile cause!





Friday 9th March 2018 

This week, despite the snowy weather, we finally managed to celebrate World Book Day. Our class came dressed as their favourite book characters and we enjoyed a variety of learning inspired by world-class authors. 

Here we are all dressed up in our costumes braving the snow!


Friday 9th January 2018

Last week, we had lots of fun having a drama session with a specialist who came into school. We read part of a story called 'The Composition' by Antonio Skármeta, which was about a boy who lived in a country where the military were in control. 

We had an fantastic time doing lots of different activities, but we particularly enjoyed creating freeze frames. These freeze frames helped us to explore why characters had done certain things as well as thinking about how they might have felt at different points in the story.

Here are some of our freeze frames. 







Friday 26th January 2018

In our recent Spanish lessons, we have been creating our very own Spanish dictionaries. We have had to look up Spanish words and develop our dictionary skills to help us discover the meanings of new words.

Friday 12th January 2018

Happy New Year! Ribble Class have kicked off 2018 with some team building. On Tuesday we used our PE session to take part in activities where we had to work effectively together. We had to use good communication skills, as well as working cooperatively in order for us to succeed at the tasks. We also had lots of fun!



Thursday 14th December 2017

This week we have been getting Christmassy and crafty in Ribble Class. We have learnt to make these amazing 3D snowflakes and have then used them to turn our classroom into a winter wonderland. Although they were fiddly to make and required some perseverance, we're sure you will agree that they were worth the effort!


Thursday 30th November 2017

After reading the novel The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe this week, we have been writing setting descriptions of Narnia. We have all really enjoyed choosing words carefully so that our readers can visualise the witch's palace. Here are a few to enjoy.



By Gene


By Connor


By Callum


Monday 27th November 2017

This morning we have enjoyed our weekly Spanish lesson. We have been practising our vocabulary, as well as describing the planets in our solar system. 

Friday 3rd November 2017

We are still busy rehearsing for our performance of 'The Tempest' which is fast approaching. We are very excited about performing next week and we hope you are looking forward to seeing it too!



 Friday 20th October 2017

This week we attended our Cast Workshop at the Carriageworks Theatre. We has a fantastic afternoon where we learnt lots of top tips for performing, worked on a scene from our play and even got to see where we will be performing in November. It made us all very excited!

Here are some pictures from our afternoon.






Friday 13th October 2017

The date for our performance of The Tempest is quickly approaching. This week we have been doing lots of rehearsing in preparation. Before we start our acting, we often play some drama games to warm up. Here are some pictures of one of our recent sessions.




 12 October 2017

Today we had our Curriculum Meetings for parents to let you know what and how we teach, and how you can help at home.  You can find the presentation below.

PDF icon  Year 5 Curriculum Presentation


29th September 2017

Welcome back! Ribble Class have already had a wonderful start to the year, with lots of learning. In the last few weeks we have enjoyed some fantastic lessons. Two in particular have stood out. Firstly, the class were put to the test when asked to go on a 'negative number hunt' around the classroom and then correctly order the numbers. The children had to work as a team, listening and helping each other. Another lesson, which the class particularly enjoyed, was a recent PE lesson in which we practised our throwing and running. 





























14th June 2017

Last week the whole school took part in Sports Day. Ribble Class showed excellent teamwork, perseverance and determination throughout the events and fun was had by all. Here are some photos of the day.





20th June 2017

Last week Ribble Class began to read a book called 'The Island' to inspire their writing. After reading the first six pages, we discussed the thoughts and feelings of the characters we had met so far. In small groups, we created thought and speech bubbles for each character and created a freeze-frame of one of the key moments in the story so far. Here are the results.


7th June 2017

Our Greek vases are finally ready to be viewed! They were quite tricky and time consuming to complete, but we are so happy with the result of our hard work and determination. I'm sure you'll agree that they look very much like the real artefact.

17th May 2017

Our music lesson this week entailed the children using the keyboards to create the sound-effect from a drum-kit. Once they had discovered the range of sounds which were available, they then used them to create different beats.


3rd May 2017

Last week, we visited Whitby for our residential. We battled sleet, hail and gale-force winds, but this did not stop us! The whole of Ribble Class were a pleasure to spend time with and were a credit to Valley View. 








21st April 2017

Recently, Ribble Class looked at the poem The Highwayman by Alfred Noyes. The class really enjoyed learning the story and even had a go at writing their own endings to the poem using the rhyming pattern of the original. Here is a selection of our work.


Wriggling uncontrollably, Bess was trying to get free,

At last, she did it and was jumping around with lots of glee.

She grabbed hold of a musket and with an all mighty loud BOOM!!!!!!!

The red-coats were dying-


The evil red-coats were dying under the bright moon.


No one knew that the ostler was looking through the old, inn door,

Until, he leaped out and held the highwayman over the purple moor.

Bess began to shriek “Please let go otherwise I will shoot thee,”

Tim the tavern’s ostler listened-


Tim the tavern’s ostler listened and let go did he.

By Emmie


Shattering the icy silence , with a scream that could raise the dead,

Fear was struck in the hearts of the men wearing coats of red.

Turning to were the scream came from ,he slipped passed the deadly hunt,

And the highwayman came riding,-riding-riding

The highwayman came riding ,then charged And burst through the front.

 By James, Marcus, Charlotte, Aaliyah, Rhys and Charlie


Twisting and turning, sweating and bleeding all until she was free,

Hours pasted and she became free she looked out the window all to see.

Only to see the ribbon of moonlight no one else in her way,

But the highwayman game riding


And then the red –coats were know more and know they lay.


Everyone lived happily ever after all except one,

Tim the ostler was not having any kind of fun.

With his heartbroken, tears were running onto his pink cheeks,

Tim the ostler had a big plan

He had a plan, Tim the ostler has a plan and now the rumour leaks.

By Jess


2 March 2017

On Thursday 2nd March we celebrated World Book Day. We took part in a character quiz, completed some tricky maths problems about James and the Giant Peach and even designed a new chocolate bar for Mr Wonka. Here are photos of some of Ribble's favourite literary characters.






23rd February 2017

We had our Year 5 Curriculum Evening tonight.  Parents and Carers were invited to come in and hear about what and how we teach, as well as being able to ask questions of the staff.  If you were unable to make it, you will find a link below to the presentation we shared. If you would like further information, please let us know.

PDF icon  Year 5 Curriculum Evening Presentation


20th February 2017

Just before we broke up for half term, Ribble Class were lucky enough to be given a masterclass in cheerleading. The children learned some movements to create a simple routine, were supported in some basic lifts and finally they watched the coaches perform some tumbles. Perhaps Ribble Class has some cheerleaders in the making!

1st February 2017

During Science lessons we have been learning about the reproduction of plants. During a recent lesson, we dissected a flower to investigate the parts of a plant we had been learning about. As you can see, our findings were really interesting. 




24 January 2017

This week we have been developing our skills in tennis. We had lots of fun practising returning the ball and progressed to playing short matches in doubles. Wimbledon here we come!