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Valley View Community Primary School

Limley Class 2017-2018

Limley Class 2017-2018

11th June 2018

This half term we have started a new science topic. We will be looking closely at the properties of solids, liquids and gases and how these relate to the water cycle. This week we went outside and pretended to be particles! Here you can see us as the particles in a solid, a liquid and a gas. Can you tell which is which?



18th May 2018

Over the past half term, Limley class have been enjoying working on their striking and fielding skills during the PE. The warm and dry weather has allowed us to use the field which has given us much more room to practice! Here are some pictures of us taking part in activities which have helped us to improve our team work skills and throwing and catching accuracy. 


4th May 2018

As part of our science learning, we have been looking closely at the habitats of different wild animals and plants. To help with our learning, we took a trip down to Rodley Nature Reserve to see all the fantastic habitats they have made for many different species of wildlife. We especially enjoyed the bird watching in the manager's garden and the pond dipping!



20th April 2018

Before the Easter holidays, Limley class were lucky enough to take part in a tree planting workshop. We had a great time working in the wildlife garden to dig holes, plant our saplings and support them with a protective cover. Over the coming years, hopefully our trees will begin to grow taller and taller. Watch this space!



26th March 2018

On Friday, Valley View celebrated Sports Relief. During the morning, we braved the brisk outdoors to take part in a sponsored run around the playground. It was fantastic to see all the children enjoying themselves whilst raising money for such a great cause. During our class assembly we discussed how exercise is great for our minds and concentration and this was definitely noted in the afternoon! Well done Limley. 


8th March 2018

World Book Day.  The Year 4 children who made it through the snow couldn't resist a photo opportunity.  We popped out in the chilly but glorious sunshine dressed as our book characters before returning to write various blurbs for our character's adventure.


22nd February 2018

Limley Class have been hard at work perfecting their skipping skills over the past few weeks. After our visit from Leanne, all the class are now eager to impress in order to be picked to represent the school at the Leeds West Skipping Festival. The children are working on improving their individual skipping, partner skipping and big rope skipping skills. I have been thoroughly impressed by their enthusiasm!



8th February 2018

Over the past few weeks, Limley class have been creating a sci-fi themed piece of writing. To generate ideas for our fictional planets, we used the marbling technique to inspire the different landscapes and colours. Once we had created the marbled planets, we then sketched these and thought of the many adjectives we could use to describe them. These two pieces of art work have inspired some absolutely fantastic pieces of writing that the children should be very proud of.

25th January 2018

Limley class had a fantastic time at Lineham Farm last week. I was especially impressed with the children's maturity away from home and their willingness to try something new. Each and every child set their own individual goals and strived to achieve these, even through snow, hail and even at great heights! I am already seeing the benefits of the learning experiences we had at Lineham Farm crossing over into the classroom when we are thinking about our growth mindsets. Well done for representing Valley View in such a brilliant way Limley class!



11th January 2018

Happy New Year!

What a fantastic start to the new term Limley have had! They have all thoroughly impressed me with their attitude to learning and fantastic behaviour. Last Friday, we had an art afternoon where we could create our own pieces as well as being able to have a more relaxed chat in order to get to know each other better. The pieces of artwork the children have produced are absolutely fantastic and some have even been displayed in the Key Stage 1 Library downstairs!




14th December 2017

Over the last two weeks Limley class have been working on our Science topic of "Sound". The children have been experimenting with string cup telephones. They have changed variables such as string length, cup size, string thickness and the tightness of the string to see which carried the sound most effectively. We also blew into bottles with varying amounts of water in to see how this effected the pitch.




16th November 2017

In art at the moment we are looking at nature and making collage style pictures. The children made a picture from leaves collected in the style of Andy Goldsworthy. They then went on to do some poppy inspired art and made poinsettias out of tissue paper. 



6th November 2017

In our Maths work over the last week, we have been focusing on the perimeter of rectangles and rectilinear shapes. After completing a series of investigations we concluded the week with a challenge. Children had to make a Mondrian art design which incorporated shapes with a certain perimeter. In total they had ten different squares and rectangles to include in their design.   




19th October 2017

Limley class have been busy over the last two weeks finishing off their topic work. As part of their work on the digestive system they have been making a model of teeth out of salt dough, reconstructing molars, canines and incisors.




They have also been making Roman shields and training as Roman army soldiers, learning drills such as forming a testudo.







12 October 2017

Today we had our Curriculum Meetings for parents to let you know what and how we teach, and how you can help at home.  You can find the presentation below.

PDF icon  Year 4 Curriculum Presentation


6 October 2017

This Week Limley Class have started their work on the digestive system. They have had fun imagining that they are molars and incisors chopping up food. Bananas and crackers were put into a bag (simulating the mouth) and water was added (saliva). They then mashed up the food to make it digestible.   As well as the science, in Literacy they have been looking at the the powerful verbs associated with eating and have produced a short diary of an apple being eaten, written in the first person and containing fronted adverbials to make it more effective.

22 September 2017

Limley Class have been enjoying learning about the Romans this half term. They have been looking at where the Romans came from and why they came to Britain. They have also explored what life was like for a Roman soldier stationed here. They particularly enjoyed the work we have done on Boudicca and the artwork we have done, based on a Roman description of her.