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Valley View Community Primary School

Loxley Class 2018-2019

Loxley Class

Monday 22nd July

We have been celebrating all our successes this year with a party! We put on our best disguises for some fun photos - can you tell who is who? 



Thursday 11th July 

Loxley class have enjoyed creating rainforest paintings in the style of Henri Rousseau and Oenone Hammersley. We have used background, midground and foreground to create the image of an animal living in the rainforest. 



Thursday June 27th 

Loxley class visited the Leeds Museum to attend the Go-Givers celebration. All the children spoke very confidently in front of the other schools. We taught them what we have learnt about homelessness and listened to their presentations too. It was a great end to a very worthwhile project. 


Thursday June 9th 

Year 4 all had the opportunity to showcase their musical talents in the violin assembly. 


Thursday 30th May

Year 4 did a superb job performing 'Troy Story'! Everyone acted, sang and had great fun telling the story of the Battle of Troy. 





Thursday 10th May 

Pop, Shop and Drop!

Our Go-Givers campaign is well underway. We have been astounded by the generosity of families. The children have made stickers, which they have given to every child who has popped, shopped and dropped! 





Thursday 25th April

This week Loxley class held a special assembly to tell the school about our Go-givers project. We taught the school everything we have learnt about homelessness in Leeds and encouraged them to take part in our 'shop, pop and drop' campaign.



Thursday 28th March 

Year 4 enjoyed learning all about our heritage. We learnt about the local area around school and how it has changed over time. We used pictures and maps to help us learn about changes. We also learnt about the importance off looking after our locality so that we can pass our heritage on. 




Thursday 7th March

Today we celebrated World Book Day!



Thursday 14th February 

Loxley class have been enjoying their 10 minute run each day. They are getting better at pacing themselves so that they do not tire so easily and are able to keep running for most of the time! 




Thursday 31st January

We are working hard in Year 4 to learn the violin. We are able to play several notes and play along to backing track, keeping in time to the music. Some children are even brave enough to perform solo performances! 




 Thursday 17th January 

Year 4 had an amazing time at Lineham Farm! Their behaviour and attitude was exemplary and they represented Valley View superbly! Every child pushed themselves to achieve activities outside of their comfort zone - we were proud of each and every one of them. 








Thursday December 20th 

Loxley class enjoyed designing and making their own Christmas light boxes. We were all very proud of the outcome. We have worked hard all term to look at various designs, design using our own ideas, use tools to cut wood and assemble our finished product - and what a product they have turned out to be! 



Thursday November 15th 

In Science lessons we have been learning about electric circuits. We have explored the different components that make up a circuit and found out that a circuit needs to be complete to light the bulb. 




Thursday October 25th 

In reading lessons we have been learning a poem which uses similes called 'as,as,as'. We worked in groups to learn a verse by heart and tried to use actions and our voices to create a performance. 



Thursday October 11th 2018

Loxley class have enjoyed learning about celebrations in R.E. They have been learning about the story of Rama and Sita and the celebration of Diwali. This week they used their crafting skills to make some diva lamp wreaths.



Thursday September 27th


Welcome to Year 4! The children have settled in very well and are very busy learning lots of things. In Science we are learning about sound. The children have enjoyed practical learning where they have been able to investigate how sounds are made, how to change the volume of sound and how to alter the pitch.