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Valley View Community Primary School

Humber Class 2017-2018

Humber Class 2017-2018

7 June 2018

Before the half term holidays, Year 3 slept over at school. We had a great time playing on the field before we had some supper and got into our sleeping bags for a good night's sleep.





15 May 2018

Humber class have been making moving posters to advertise how important it is to recycle, using levers and linkages, over the last term. They demonstrated their knowledge of recycling, their posters and their acting skills when they performed in their class assembly last week.


3 May 2018

This year, we have been learning to play chess in Humber class. The children are now well on their way to becoming grand masters!




19 April 2018


To start our topic on plants, Humber class have planted some trees around the school field. They are small now but will grow as the children do.





22 March 2018

As part of our new Design and Technology project we have been learning about, and making, levers and linkages in Humber class this week.




8 March 2018

To celebrate World Book Day, some of the children in Humber class dressed up as their favourite book characters.




20 February 2018

This week Humber class have started a new science topic on forces and magnets. Today we investigated which materials are magnetic.





7 February 2018

Humber class had a great time learning about Ancient Egypt, and in particular mummification, on our trip to Leeds City Museum.





24 January 2018

As part of our Ancient Egyptian topic, this week Humber class had a go a making papyrus paper. We added our names or messages to the paper by writing in hieroglyphics.



11 January 2018

Happy New Year!

In Humber class this week we have been performing and writing our own versions of Michael Rosen's poetry. 




14 December 2017

Humber class would like to wish everyone a very happy and peaceful Christmas and prosperous New Year!



30 November 2017

This week Humber class had their first school swimming lessons. All of the Humber class staff are very proud of how hard everyone has tried so far. Well done Humber!


16 November 2017

As part of our contribution to Anti-bullying week we acted out scenarios to strengthen our understanding of what bullying is and what we can do to stop it. 




2 November 2017

This week we have been investigating soil! We looked at soil from some different places to see what it's made up of. We separated it out into layers by leaving each sample in water for a couple of days. Here is what we found:




18 October 2017

For our current topic, Humber class is learning all about rocks. We have investigated rocks outside as part of Outdoor Classroom Day and classified the rocks in our local environment. We have also investigated some of the properties of rocks, their density, permeability and durability, inside the classroom.




 12 October 2017

Today we had our Curriculum Meetings for parents to let you know what and how we teach, and how you can help at home.  You can find the presentation below.

PDF icon  Year 3 Curriculum Presentation


6 October 2017

This week in maths, Humber Class have been adding with three digit numbers. We used practical equipment to help us visualise the questions.




22 September 2017

Our topic in Humber class is 'Stone Age to Iron Age' and this week we have been learning about the Stone Age settlement of Skara Brae. We have enjoyed doing lots of research on how the Stone Age people lived and creating fact sheets about it.