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Valley View Community Primary School

Hebble Class 2017-2018

Hebble Class 2017-2018

8th July

In art we have been learning about the work of William Turner. We have been inspired by his work to create these fantastic ship scenes using watercolours.




7th June

We had a fantastic time at our sleepover.  We are so proud our whole class slept in school! We played on the field, had hot chocolate and slept in the classrooms. The following morning we had a lovely breakfast in the hall.





17th May 2018

We have been thinking about the story 'Jack and the Beanstalk' from the point of view of the giant. We have acted it out. Can you spot the giant?



3rd May 2018

We have used mechanisms to make posters to encourage people to recycle!










19th April 2018

We have been learning about Fables. We acted out the Mouse and the Lion. Can you work out who is the Mouse and who is the Lion?


22nd March 2018

Thank you to everybody who came to our Class Assembly on Wednesday. We hope you enjoyed learning about forces and having a go at making some moving models! They were very challenging and we were all impressed with your efforts!




8th March 2018

To celebrate World Book Day we came to school dressed in costumes. We thought about our favourite books and even learnt the names of some books in Spanish!



22nd February 2018 

In Science we have been learning about skeletons and muscles. We made muscles to investigate how they work!


8th February 2018

We had a fantastic day at Leeds City Museum. We learnt all about the Ancient Egyptians and even had a go at mummifying a body!




25th January 2018

We are loving our chess lessons. This half term we are playing a whole class tournament. Everybody is showing great sportsmanship and respect for each other. We will see who the winner is in a few weeks time!



12 January 2018

Happy New Year from everybody in Hebble Class!

Have you ever wondered what nutrients are in the food we eat? In Science we have looked at some food and sorted it into groups. We thought about fats, proteins and carbohydrates.




Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from everybody in Hebble Class!

To celebrate Christmas Year 3 performed Santa's on Strike for their families and friends. It was a fantastic show! Every single child had a speaking part and the singing was amazing! We hope you enjoyed it as much as we enjoyed performing it.



5th December

We are so excited in Hebble Class because we have started writing to a school in Spain! Here we are hard at work on our letters.






30th November 2017

We have been working hard on our multiplying and dividing. We love maths in Hebble Class!



 15th November

This week we have been learning about bullying. We have been thinking about what bullying is and thinking about what we can do if we see bullying or we are bullied.     

Hebble Class say no to bullying!







2nd November

In Hebble Class we love learning! We enjoy working together to find out new things. Here are some photos of us finding out about The Stone Age.





20th October

We have been learning about rocks! We have investigated their properties and found out how rocks are used in the local environment.





12 October 2017

Today we had our Curriculum Meetings for parents to let you know what and how we teach, and how you can help at home.  You can find the presentation below.

PDF icon  Year 3 Curriculum Presentation


 Thursday 5th October

We have been working hard on our homework. This week we had to think about music as we have been learning to play the violin. We wrote songs and raps, thought about our favourite songs and made instruments.


Thursday 27th September

We are enjoying our chess lessons! We are learning how all the pieces move and how to play the game.