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Valley View Community Primary School

Hebble Class 2018-2019

Hebble Class

Wednesday 24th July

Today we held a special assembly for our class and celebrated everything we have achieved this year! Well done Hebble Class.

Thursday 11th July

We have been to a Synagogue as part of our RE work. It was a very interesting trip and we learnt a lot about the Jewish faith.



Thursday 27th June

Every Thursday we have a violin lesson with Mrs Major. We played some pf the tunes she has taught us in a special assembly.

Thursday 13th June

We love chess in Hebble Class! We enjoy our lessons with Mr Schurfield and we are becoming very good players.


Thursday 23rd May

We love PE in Hebble Class!  Here are some photos of our Egyptian dance routines. We had great fun choreographing and performing them.



Thursday 9th May

It has been a very rainy week but this hasn't stopped Hebble Class enjoying their play times and lunchtimes! Here are some of our class being very creative. 


Thursday 25th April

We love finding out about things in Hebble Class. Here are some photos of us working together to find out more!  We have been finding out all about Thomas Edison and written some fantastic biographies.



Thursday 28th March

We are very proud of the stories we have written in English. We have been inspired by a book about an inventor called Rosie Revere and thought of our own stories about inventing a robot!


Thursday 6th March

World Book Day

To celebrate World Book Day we either came to school dressed as a character or found an interesting way to carry a book.




Friday 15th February




We have been learning all about skeletons and muscles. Do you know how many bones we have in our body? We have looked at skeletons and learnt the names of some of our bones.


Friday 1st February

We had a great time at Leeds City Museum this week. We saw a mummy and learnt about how mummies were made. We had a go at making a mummy as a class!



Friday 11th January

Today Mrs Longbottom left our class to start her now job. We hope she enjoys it and we are looking forward to hearing all about it! 


Monday 17th December

Here are some photos from our Christmas Play!


Thursday 29th November

We have made clay pots inspired by our Stone Age topic. We shaped the clay using our hands and then added patterns using tools.


Thursday 15th November

This week we have been thinking about bullying as it has been Anti-Bullying Week. We have been learning about respect and how we have a choice in how we behave. We have discussed this in groups. Mrs Jackson has also taught us how to stay safe online.              

Thursday 25th October

In our art lessons we have created these fantastic pictures of Stonehenge. We had to learn how to mix different shades of powder paint to create the backgrounds.



Thursday 10th October.

We have been finding out about the Stone Age by looking at artefacts. We are going to use our research to write non-chronological reports next week.




Friday 21st September 2018

We have been working very hard in Hebble Class! In maths we have been learning all about 3 digit numbers. We have used lots of practical equipment. 

In PSHE we have been thinking about what things are most important to us. Most of our class decided parents, grandparents and friends were the most important!