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Valley View Community Primary School

Gifted and Talented

Gifted and Talented

Our school places great importance on employing highly qualified and skilled staff. Our teachers receive regular training and development opportunities which means that they can promote the best possible learning for all children.

Within any class or group of children, teachers and teaching assistants have the expertise to deal with children who have a range of abilities and varied learning styles. This includes supporting and challenging our most able learners.

In our school, as in many others, we have groups of children who can be defined as being exceptionally able in a particular area of learning. These children might be more than a year ahead of most of their peers and therefore need additional and different teaching for some aspects of their learning.

These children are overseen by a teacher who is trusted with the responsibility of monitoring the progress of the children who show that in one or more curriculum areas they are ‘Gifted or Talented’. In keeping with the school’s ethos, these children need to have something special arranged for them so that they continue to be stretched and challenged whilst also being given all the usual entitlements in terms of social skills and relationships with peers.

As the provision which is made for children with exceptional ability is so individual, it is not possible to generalise about what is offered for these children. However it is possible that this includes occasional one to one sessions with a teacher, access to special external providers of teaching, working with similar very able children in other year groups, working with special higher level resources and other strategies.