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Valley View Community Primary School

Deepdale Class 2018-2019

Deepdale Class


18th July 2019

Today we made vegetable stew. We learnt how to chop and peel and we can't wait to taste it tomorrow!


12th July 2019

In maths we have been learning about measure. Today we used the water to look at capacity and to measure volume. We had lots of fun!

12th July 2019

Next year when we are in Year 3 we will all be learning to play the violin so today we were visited by Mrs Major, who gave us a violin demonstration.

27th June 2019

Image result for bog baby

Over the last two weeks we have been exploring the story 'The Bog Baby' by Jeanne Willis and Gwen Millward. In this story, two girls go fishing for newts in the Bluebell Woods but instead of catching newts they catch something much better... they catch a Bog Baby! Deepdale Class have been busy getting into character and writing in role as different characters in the story. They have written some fabulous setting descriptions using the new vocabulary in the book. Today they were very excited to create their own Bog Babies ready to put into their own version of the story tomorrow. I can't wait to read what they write!

12th June 2019

As part of our topic on the Victorians we went on a trip to Armley Mills to learn about life as a Victorian child. We spent the morning exploring the mill and learning what it was like to work in a factory. In the afternoon we visited a Victorian classroom where we got to experience what it was like to go to school in the Victorian times.

7th June 2019

In maths we have been learning to tell the time. We made a clock on the playground and used it it help us to learn how to tell the time to 5 minutes to and past the hour.

23rd May 2019

Today we were visited by Leanne from the Skipping School to help us to prepare for the skipping competition later in the year. We looked at the different types of skipping, speed bounce, hop, double bounce, side swing, partner skip and the long rope. We had lots of fun!

20th May 2019

Yesterday we had a very exciting PSHE lesson all about road safety. We got to act out different ways to use the road and we had to spot the hazard. We learnt about the dangers of using a mobile phone while crossing the road and how to cross it safely. We also thought about how to wait safely for a bus and how to take care when riding our bikes on the road to ensure taht we can be seen.

2nd May 2019

On Monday we held an information meeting for parents about end of Key Stage 1 assessments.  If you were unable to make it we have included a link below to the presentation that was shown.  If you have any questions about the Key Stage 1 SATs tests please see you child's class teacher.

PDF icon End of Key Stage 1 assessments



This week we had a very strange visitor to our classroom, a Victorian school mistress. She was very strict! We learnt a lot about what it was like to be a school child in the Victorian times. We have then been comparing life in a Victorian school to life at Valley View.

 Queen Victoria

We have been learning all about Queen Victoria. We have researched her life to create a timeline and written a biography all about her.



In science we have been learning about habitats. We made models of different habitats.

Heritage Day

We spent a day learning all about where we live. We looked at the different buildings and landmarks in our area, making sure that we knew what they were and talking about which we thought were the most important and why. We also looked at where we all live and how far we travel to school. We linked this to our learning in maths by making tally and bar charts.


This half term we have loved learning about Australia. We were particularly excited when Pam, a real life Australian lady, came to visit us and talk to us.

We enjoyed learning about Aboriginal art and making our own patterns.

We learnt about the Sydney Harbour Bridge and Opera House, the Great Barrier Reef and Uluru. 

As a class we were particularly interested in the animals that live in Australia.


Happy New Year!

POLAR Explorers

This half term we are doing a new topic in Year 2 called 'Polar Explorers'. We started the term by looking at the life of the Inuit people, where they live, their clothes and what they eat. After that we learnt about the explorers Ernest Shackleton and Robert Scott. The class loved learning about their adventures and imaging what it would be like to be an explorer themselves.

Lost and Found

The class started the week by discovering a penguin at the door. They didn't know where it had come from or what it was doing there but were very quick to look after it and make it feel welcome. They later discovered that it had brought with it a story 'Lost and Found' by Oliver Jeffers. The class have enjoyed reading this book and writing diaries and letters as the different characters.


This half term the class are working with the sports coaches to develop their teamwork skills.




Deepdale Class were very surprised to come in one morning to discover that an egg had been left in our classroom. It was a very strange egg but the class very quickly came up with a plan to look after it until it hatched. They put it in a safe comfy place, kept it warm and spoke to it regularly. Sadly, the egg hatched one night and the class did not see what came out. There were some clues though and the class came to the conclusion that it was a dragon! They read stories about dragons and learnt how to look after one but sadly it never came back.


In DT the class worked in teams to design and make their own dragons, complete with a moving part such as fire coming out of its mouth. The class loved making them, especially when it came to get messy decorating them.


In PE the class have been developing their gymnastic skills with the support of the staff from Leeds West Academy.


Deepdale Class have made a fabulous start to Year 2. I have been so impressed with how quickly they have settled in to their new classroom and new routines. They have all impressed me with how hard they are working and the learning that has already taken place. I am sure that it is going to be a fantastic year!

Miss Gregory

The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch

In class we have been reading the story 'The Lighthouse Keeper's lunch', the class have enjoyed learning lots of new vocabulary such as  ingenious and industrious and have been trying to use these new words in their writing. I have been very impressed with their character and setting descriptions and I look forward to reading their own versions of the story that they have been planning this week.

Keeping Healthy

We have been thinking about how to have a healthy lifestyle in both PSHE and science. We have tried some different healthy foods and planned a healthy meal. We have also thought about how much exercise we do and have started doing a 10 minute run or walk at least 3 times a week to help us to build up our fitness.


Deepdale Class have started to learn the recorder with Mrs Bedford on a Monday afternoon and I have been very impressed with the sounds coming from the classroom.


In maths we have been looking at place value and learning to partition a number into tens and ones. We have also been practising our counting in steps of 2, 5, 10 and 3 so that we are ready for times tables later in the year.

The Titanic

This week we have been learning about the Titanic. The class have really enjoyed learning lots of facts about the Titanic, what it was like to be a passenger, how it sunk and even the size of the iceberg.


In science we made iceberg and looked at how they sat in the water, particularly how much of an iceberg hides underneath the water.