Arram Class 2017-2018
3 May 2018
This week we have been reading the story The Little Red Hen. We wrote some instructions for making a jam sandwich, then we had a go at making them. They were delicious, yum yum!
19 April 2018
This week we have had some very exciting deliveries. Our chicken eggs have been delivered and put in the incubator and we have some frogspawn in our tank! We can't wait to watch the chicks hatch and for the frogspawn to change into tadpoles.
22 March 2018
During our 'Monsters and Aliens' topic we have been designing and sewing teddy bears from the story 'Whatever Next'. This has taken lots of concentration and precision. Thank you to all of our parents who helped us sew at our 'Stay and Play' session!
8 March 2018
We loved dressing up as our favourite book characters on 'World Book Day' (round two!). Our Year Six buddies came down to read with us and we shared lots of our favourite stories all day.
22 February 2018
This half term our new topic is 'Monsters and Aliens'. This week we have read the story 'Roaring Rockets'. We have been labelling pictures of rockets, watching real-life ones take off and learning new facts about space. Our Arram class astronauts are preparing to go to the moon, 3, 2, 1 - BLAST OFF!
8 February 2018
This week we have been learning about 'Chinese New Year'. We have read 'The Great Race' and 'A Magic Paintbrush'. We loved making Chinese lanterns and we even made stir-fry, yum! Hung Hey Fat Choi everyone!
25 January 2018
This week in PE we have been learning how to do a log roll and an egg role. We listened carefully and then had a go. It was quite tricky, but we persevered!
11 January 2018
Happy New Year!
On Wednesday we had our 'Stay and Play' session. The children really enjoyed spending time playing with their grown ups and showing them what they like learning about in school. Thank you to all the adults that came!
14 December 2017
We have been learning all about the Nativity story and Christmas this week. We made some Christmas hats to wear whilst we ate our Christmas Dinner. We loved eating our Christmas Dinner!
30 November 2017
As part of our 'Culture Day' Arram class made scones! We had lots of fun putting the ingredients into a bowl, mixing with a big spoon and touching the dough. We put them into the oven to bake, then we let them cool down. Later in the day we all got to taste them, they were delicious!
16 November 2017
It is Anti-Bullying week at school and in Reception we have been talking about similarities and differences. We read the book "This is our house" and talked about our classroom being for people with brown hair, curly hair, ginger hair, straight hair, people with glasses, small people, tall people, people who are 4, people who are 5. We focused on being inclusive and making sure everyone felt happy and safe in our classroom. We enjoyed talking about what we looked like and describing our friends!
2 November 2017
This week we have been reading the book 'Funny Bones'. We sequenced the story using pictures and we had a go at retelling the story. We had lots of fun making skeleton models and talking about the different bones in our bodies.
19 October 2017
This week we have been celebrating Diwali, the Festival of Light. As part of our learning, we enjoyed making our own Diwa lamps from clay. We started by rolling our clay into a ball, then used our hands to flatten it. The next part was quite tricky as we had to shape our clay circle into a shallow bowl. Finally, we pinched one side of it to make a small spout. The children listened well to the instructions, and were then very patient as we had to leave our lamps to dry for two days before painting and adding gold glitter.
12 October 2017
Today we had our Curriculum Meetings for parents to let you know what and how we teach, and how you can help at home. You can find the presentation below.
Reception Phonics and Reading Presentation
Reception Writing Presentation
5 October 2017
This week in Reception we have started learning sounds in phonics. So far this week we have learnt the sounds, /s/, /a/, /t/, /i/, /p/. We have been practising the actions and blending the sounds together to make words. Today we learnt the 'p' sound, we practised writing and painting the 'p' sound and we ate pears because they starts with a 'p'.
21 September 2017
Arram Class have had a wonderful first few weeks at school. There has been lots of new experiences from trying school dinners for the first time, to playing with new friends both in the classroom and in the 'big' playground.
21 July 2017
Today we had our last class treat together in Arram class. We brought in our teddies for a 'Teddy Bears' Picnic'. We had some sandwiches, crisps and a drink, and Miss Stirk and Mrs Dalgleish read us some stories. The rain meant we had an indoor picnic, but we found a room upstairs that none of us had ever been in. What an adventure, and lots of fun!
10 July 2017
This week we have been looking after our chicks that hatched last week. We have been feeding them and checking they have enough water. Today we got to hold some of the chicks.
22 June 2017
Yesterday it was Sports Day. Our class was split into four teams, Great Britain, Bulgaria, Poland and Czech Republic. Each child took part in two races for their team, these were: an egg and spoon race, a running race, a huddles race and a sack race.
5 June 2017
Arram class planted some beans before the half term holidays. We planted the beans in soil and watered it. We put them in our outdoor area so they could get some sun over the holidays. When we returned to school, we were happy to see that some of the beans had grown.
16 May 2017
Last week we had our Reception Class Weddings. In the morning we had a Christian Wedding and in the afternoon we had a Hindu Wedding. The children thoroughly enjoyed playing their different parts. Above are some photos taken by our photographer Joshua.
2 May 2017
There have been lots of challenges in Arram Class this week. The children completed the domino doubling challenge where they had to find all of the domino doubles and then match them to their answers.
The children also loved the pizza halving challenge. They read the halving problem cards and used the pizza toppings to answer questions such as; 'Half of 8 salami slices and half of 10 mushrooms'.
In our farm area we had a key word challenge; the children had to read sentences and choose from a selection of key words to fill in the blanks. Afterwards the children read the sentences to check they made sense.
We had lots of contenders for our 'Challenge Champion' certificate!
28 March 2017
Over the past few weeks in Arram class we have been making Monster and Alien puppets. We started off by drawing around our hands, leaving extra space so our hands would fit into the puppet once it was sewn. Then we chose the colour of felt we would like. Our hand templates were used as a pattern to cut out two pieces of felt. We decided how many eyes our aliens and monsters should have, and sewed the right number of buttons on the front. Then we started stitching the front and back of the puppet together. Once the puppet was sewn, we added embellishments like ribbons, feathers and fluffy fabric to make it unique and alien-looking.
16 March 2017
This week in Arram class we have been painting aliens and monsters. First we read the descriptions of the aliens and monsters. The descriptions told us how many horns or eyes it had. Then we followed the descriptions to paint our aliens and monsters.
2 March 2017
Today in Arram class we dressed up as our favourite book characters for World Book Day. We enjoyed lots of different activities such as making bookmarks, going on a book hunt and sharing our favourite stories with each other.
8 February 2017
In Arram class this week we have been practising log rolls in PE. The children had to try to keep their bodies, arms and legs straight while rolling along the mat. They watched and listened carefully as we explained what they should do. The children had a few turns each, keeping as straight as possible. It's quite tricky but they tried really hard and improved with each attempt.
26 January 2017
This week in Arram class we have been learning about Chinese New Year. The children have been writing their names in Chinese by tracing over the Chinese characters using a fine brush and ink.
17 January 2017
Things have turned "piratey" this week in Arram Class in preparation for our Pirate Day on Friday. These pirates are stranded and are writing messages to put in a bottle in the hope that someone will rescue them! Look at their fantastic writing!
14 December 2016
We were sooooooo proud of all our Reception children this week. We were treated to their fantastic singing, dancing and speaking as they performed "Shine Star, Shine" for us.
*Proud teachers and proud parents.*
2 December 2016
Arram Class have been making paper baubles this week to hang on their Christmas tree. They have been finding out how single and double hole punches work, and using them independently to make holes. They then practised their scissor skills to cut lengths of wool, and finally practised their fine motor control and bilateral coordination (using both hands together) to thread wool through their baubles. Look at the concentration on those faces!
2 November 2016
We had our Reception Curriculum Evening tonight. Parents and Carers were invited to look around the classrooms and have a play, as well as hearing about what and how we teach. If you were unable to make it, you will find a link below to the presentations we shared. If you would like further information, please let us know.