Aire Class 2017-2018

3 May 2018
This week we have been reading the story The Little Red Hen. We wrote some instructions for making a jam sandwich, then we had a go at making them. They were delicious, yum yum!

We have been working on representing numbers this week in maths. The children have found so many different ways to show a number: using their fingers, using objects, arrays, adding two numbers together, and some children added three or more numbers together, writing the numeral, using coins. Florence and Brooke even did some subtraction to show their number. The most important part of what we did was the talking about it and the children showing us their understanding of number. What a great maths week!

Happy New Year!
This week we had our first 'Stay and Play' session. The children showed their grown up around the classrooms and showed them what they like to do when they are at school. They loved showing off what they have learnt! Thank you for those adults who were able to come.

In Aire Class we have been learning about the 'First Christmas' whilst we practise our Nativity performance. We did an amazing job at performing to our grown ups, they were all so proud.

It has been Anti-Bullying week and we have been learning how to be good friends and to accept one another regardless of our similarities and differences. We have embraced this by playing with different friends from Arram Class and tried to be good sharers and involve others to in our games.

20th September

12 October 2017
Today we had our Curriculum Meetings for parents to let you know what and how we teach, and how you can help at home. You can find the presentation below.
Reception Phonics and Reading Presentation
Reception Writing Presentation
26 September 2017
In Aire Class, we have been busy settling into school life. We have learned lots of new things; ordering our own lunches, meeting new friends and playing with the big children in the playground! Last week we sang Incey Wincey Spider and the Animal Fair for all our grown ups in the Big Hall and we even decorated the cupcakes for everyone.
20 July
This week we have said goodbye to the chicks. We were very excited when they hatched and have really enjoyed watching them grow!
29 June
Today the children were asked to write about anything they wanted to for morning work. We had lots of interesting writing, including this piece about seeing Donald Trump! Please remember to put any interesting writing your child does at home on Tapestry!
20 June
The warm weather has given us lots of opportunities to learn outside this term, and we are not the only ones who have been enjoying our outdoor area! We have found some interesting mini beasts!
18 May
We have had lots of fun using the beebots this week. We have been busy making instructions for our friends to follow and have had fun trying to negotiate the beebots around obstacles.
5 May
We have been learning how to halve, double and share objects in reception class. It has been very tricky but we have been working very hard.
20 April
We have had lots of fun outside this week. We have been bust building obstacle courses and balancing and jumping with our friends. We have been making talent shows and impressing Miss Fiddes with our singing, acting and dancing. We even found a huge spider and enjoyed counting its legs and watching it move. What an exciting week!
28 March
We have had a fantastic time in our new role play area this week. We have all enjoyed having our hair done and the children have been busy designing and writing about new hair trends. They have even been using money to pay.
9 March
We have enjoyed looking at stories and books this week in Aire Class. We have read stories with our friends, had a go at writing about our favourite stories and made story maps.
9 February 2017
We have been working hard all term in Aire class to earn our class treat. The children decided that they wanted to make chocolate. First we tasted some different chocolates and sweets to decide what kind of chocolate we would like to make. Then we washed our hands and talked about how it is important to have clean hands when preparing food. We broke the chocolate into pieces and put it in the microwave. I showed the children the timer and we waited for the chocolate to melt. The children told me that the chocolate would be hot when it came out of the microwave so I used an oven glove to take the chocolate out and we all had a turn at mixing it. We chose our fillings and put them into ice cube trays and then carefully spooned the melted chocolate on top. When the chocolate had set we tasted our chocolates. They were delicious!
26 January 2017
This week we went on a winter walk around the school grounds. We found some frosty things in the playground and talked about how the trees now have no leaves on. We had lots of fun looking at the seasonal changes.
17 January 2017
We have been practising our sounding out this week in Aire Class. The children had to put a vowel in the middle of the consonants, sound it out and say was it a real word or a nonsense word?
14 December 2016
We were sooooooo proud of all our Reception children this week. We were treated to their fantastic singing, dancing and speaking as they performed "Shine Star, Shine" for us.
*Proud teachers and proud parents.*
2 December 2016
Christmas has come to Aire Class this week. The children have been enjoying using the iPads to make Christmassy pictures. They have learned how to take photos of themselves, and then how to decorate and "improve" them using an app called Doodle Buddy. They also practised their letter formation and fine motor control by writing their names.
2 November 2016
We had our Reception Curriculum Evening tonight. Parents and Carers were invited to look around the classrooms and have a play, as well as hearing about what and how we teach. If you were unable to make it, you will find a link below to the presentations we shared. If you would like further information, please let us know.