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Valley View Community Primary School

Humber Class

Humber Class


Derwent Class Learning Journey 2019-2020

March 2020

We have been extremely busy these past few weeks.  We have been using Beebots to map out Ernest Shackleton's Antarctic exploration.  We have made some amazing 'books in boxes' for World Book Day and have been running huge distances for Sport Relief. 




PDF icon Curriculum Evening Tuesday 10th March 2020

4th February 2020

We have been pretending to be explorers and thinking about what it must have been like for Robert Scott trekking to the South Pole.  We dragged tyres across the playground pretending they were sledges full of equipment.



3rd February 2020

Following our trip to the shop we then used our ingredients to make our leek and potato soup. We looked at using vegetable knives safely and what made our soup a healthy meal.  



23rd January 2020

We have been set the task of planning and making a meal for a polar explorer.  We thought that leek and potato soup would make a healthy, balanced meal which would also be easy to cook and taste delicious.  We went to Sutcliffe's grocers to buy our ingredients. 

9th January 2020

We have been looking at division by grouping and sharing.  




18th October 2019

We had a wonderful day learning about the Great Fire of London.  We made a street scene and then watched it burn, discussing the reasons the fire spread so quickly. 

11th October 2019

We have been taking part in lots of drama recently which is then used in our writing with great effect.  Here is our weekly drama lesson which is based around our dragon topic.

Pupils focus on speaking clearly and fluently and create ideas for their writing.

25th September 2019

Today we watched a musical performance to a story all about a girl moving house with her beloved piano.  It was a wonderful show and we were able to join in.  Afterwards the cast worked with us looking at tempo, dynamics and pitch. 

20th September 2019

In science, we have been testing different materials based on how bouncy they might be and how stretchy they might be.  The pupils were asked to make a prediction and then decided in groups how they were going to fairly test each material.