Governors Meeting Schedule
Usually we have four full governing body meetings per year. These are held two in the autumn term and one in both spring term and summer term. In the Autumn term when we look at the school development plan and consider how well new staff and children may have settled into school. The meeting in the Spring term looks at all aspects of school improvement and may also consider any plans for the next school year which might have recruitment implications. In the summer term, our meeting takes place at a time when we can approve the school budget and also review how the year has gone.
We have two sub committees of our Governing Body. These are:
Resources Sub Committee. This group is chaired by Mr Peter Riley, Chair of Governors, and is made up of 7 governors.
This group meets once per half term on average.
Curriculum and Pupil Support Sub Committee (CAPS). This group comprises 7 governors.
This group also usually meets once per half term.
Governors Attendance at meetings
Please see the link below for governors attendance at full governing body:
Committee Meeting Attendance is below:
Other Training Sessions
Dates to be confirmed.