Deepdale Class
Calder Class Learning Journey 2019-2020
10 March 2020
Many thanks to all the families who attended our Phonics and Reading information evening today. If you were unable to attend, you will find the presentations below. Feel free to ask us if you are unclear about anything!
Y1 Phonics Presentation 2020Y1 Reading Presentation
10 February 2020
We have been making fruit kebabs this week as part of our DT work. The children designed their kebabs, choosing their own fruit, and making a repeating pattern on the stick. They also learned how to cut safely using the claw grip and the bridge grip... and most importantly - they ate their delicious concoctions!
23 January 2020
As part of our science work this half term we have been learning about the human body. In art we have learned about sketching and have looked at articulated artists' models. The children have practised drawing people, making sure all the correct joints are included. I think the children have done really well with these.
10 January 2020
This week the Evil Pea visited our classroom and kidnapped our veggies. The children were inspired to write some stories and have loved thinking of lots of mischief the Evil Pea could make, as well as inventing their own fruit or vegetable superheroes who will come to save the day.
13 December 2019
Today was Christmas Dinner day at Valley View, as well as Christmas jumper day. We made our own festive hats and the children and staff all ate together in the Dining Room. We had a lovely time!
28 November 2019
In our indoor PE lessons this half term, we have begun to work in teams alongside practising our physical skills. Working cooperatively together to achieve a goal rather than as four individuals is quite tricky when you are only five or six, and we had great fun trying to balance equipment on our friends, finding the best way to gain the most points.
11 November 2019
Today the whole school observed the two minute silence for Remembrance Day. We were also fortunate to have been lent some wooden crosses from the Rodley memorial to remember some of the soldiers who died in the First and Second World Wars. We read out their names and how old they were when they died. In Calder Class we stood in a circle with our own poppies we had made from paper in front of us. Mrs Dowling played The Last Post on her trumpet to signal the end of the silence.
25 October 2019
We have been talking about keeping safe in PSHE. We have had some great discussions about things that could be dangerous or unsafe, and things which are not, and some things which are okay if you have been trained.
Max's daddy is safe up a very big ladder, because he does it all the time and he has been trained - and we are safe with school scissors because Miss Mollart trained us well in nursery -how to use scissors sensibly!! Thank you Miss Mollart - great training!
11 October 2019
There has been great excitement in Year 1 this week. The fairies came to visit. We have been reading The Enchanted Wood by Enid Blyton to the children as our class novel.
The fairies left some letters, requesting our help to find some of their friends who had disappeared, and the children were inspired to write back lots of letters. We have had a 'magical' week!
27 September 2019
We have had our book box delivered from the School Library Service this week. The children are absolutely loving all the books about animals, as we are learning how to classify mammals, birds, fish, amphibians and reptiles.
12 September 2019
The children are settling well into life as Year 1s in Calder Class. They have been learning our new rules and rising to the challenges we have set them. Look at how busy we have been!
Arram Class Learning Journey 2018-2019
12 July
This week we have been busy preparing for our wedding next week. We have made cupcakes and a wedding cake. We can't wait for the celebrations on Tuesday. Keep an eye out for photos on our Facebook page.
24 May
Today we said goodbye to our chicks! We have loved watching them grow and looking after them. We have learnt about what they need to survive and we even did the not so nice jobs of cleaning out their box - it was a little bit smelly! We will miss the chicks lots!
9 May
We've had lots of fun playing drama games with Miss Christabel. We practised changing our voices and playing a fun game called 'Master, Master who am I?' We can't wait for our next visit to play some more drama games.
25 April
Reception class had an exciting delivery this week. On Tuesday Farmer Robert delivered eighteen chicken eggs. They are now safely in an incubator, and in 21 days they will start to hatch! We can't wait and we will keep you updated on our eggs/chicks over the next few weeks!
28 March
In Arram class we have been very busy sewing over the last few weeks. We designed some alien hand puppets, chose our felt colours then had a go at sewing. It was quite tricky at first, but with lots of practising our puppets look AMAZING! We did have a little bit of help from our grown ups! Thank you!
6 February 2019
We have had a very exciting to start to the week in Arram Class. We have been learning about Chinese New Year! We've read 'The Great Race' and 'Liang and the Magic Paintbrush' and we have decorated the classroom. We are going to taste some Chinese food, make money wallets and Chinese lanterns.
Gung Hei Fat Choy!
24 January 2019
Wow! What a brilliant first few weeks back after the holidays! We have settled back into school well and started our new topic 'Water'. We have been learning about sea creatures, the Midnight Zone and exploring real life fish! Ew! We can't wait to learn about Pirates next!
12 October 2018
This week we have been embracing the Autumn weather. We have been on an autumn walk around the school grounds collecting leaves, conkers and pinecones. We have also been reading the story 'Funny Bones'. The children have loved making their own skeletons, singing songs from the book and retelling the story in using our own 'Dark, dark town'.
27 September 2018
Arram Class have had a wonderful first few weeks at school. There has been lots of new experiences from trying school dinners for the first time, to playing with new friends both in the classroom and in the 'big' playground.