Crimple Class
Arram Class Learning Journey 2019-2020
March 2020
Today was 'World Book Day'. We enjoyed listening to stories with our Year 6 buddies, reading stories in our new library area and drawing and painting 'Wild Things' in the style of the illustrator Maurice Sendak.
February 2020
This week we finished our topic by making healthy pizza. We designed our pizzas, choose two vegetable toppings then made them using pitta bread, crumpet and wholemeal wrap bases. Yum,yum!
January 2020
This half term our topic is 'What's new on your plate?' We are going to be learning and trying new foods, preparing food and learning about healthy and unhealthy things. Here are some photos of us trying some new fruit and vegetables.
December 2019
On Wednesday we performed our Reception Nativity 'The Very Hopeless Camel'. The children said their lines loudly, sang the songs beautifully and danced altogether. Well done to all of the children!
Curriculum Meeting 2019
Here are the slides from our Curriculum Meeting.
supporting your child at home.doc
phonics reading presentation 2019.pptx
foundation stage maths 2019.pptx
December 2019
The children loved reading under the stars in our school hall after school. After having some biscuits and hot chocolate the children had a bedtime story with Ms Fothers. Thank you to all the children and parents who came - we had so much fun! Don't forget to read your new book 'The Cave'.
November 2019
This half term our topic is 'What comes out in the dark?' We will be learning about Bonfire Night, nocturnal animals, space, as well as festivals such as, Diwali and Christmas. We have also been very busy learning songs for our Christmas Nativity, 'The Very Hopeless Camel'.
October 2019
Today our Year 6 buddies came to visit us. We shared some stories and talked about what we got up to this week at school. We love it when our buddies come to visit us!
October 2019
This week we've been learning how to use our snack area. The children have been measuring our their cereal and carefully pouring their milk. Once they've finished, the children have independently washed up their bowls and left the area ready for the next person.
September 2019
This week the children have loved playing outside. We have been working on improving our Gross Motor Control. The children have been balancing, jumping, climbing and even playing Hopscotch!
Welcome to the Arram class page. Our new Reception children have settled so well into school and have loved staying at school for a school dinner. The children have enjoyed getting to know each other and have made lots of new friends. They've enjoyed playing inside with the play dough and sand and outdoors making obstacle courses.